Stay On Track On The Weekends


I don't know about you, but these weeks seem to be flying by right now. The days are finally starting to get longer & the weather is already getting nicer. Which makes me want to spend more time outside in the fresh air!

Whether you're hitting the trails for a hike, taking a road trip to the cottage or headed out of town to see friends/family, this doesn't mean it's an excuse to leave behind your healthy habits you had all week to indulge while you're away. Plus, come Monday morning these people won't be around when you have to deal with all the aftermath thoughts of whether you ate well, stayed on track or completely fell of the bandwagon of your diet and need to justify it to your coach or even yourself the decisions you made.

Stop the self sabotage and plan ahead. If you are taking a trip this weekend or next take the following tips with you. Stop restarting your diet each Monday and carry your good habits right through the weekend.

Here's a few tips on why you want to prep your meals or snacks and bring your own food:

  • By prepping your meals ahead of time, you'll never have to guess what's in your food or if it fits into your meal plan. You also have better portion control which will help you from over/under eating.
  • Meal prepping not only helps you stay on track with your goals but also saves you money too. Choose to spend your money on yourself or activities you love rather then on takeout food.
  • Meal prepping allows you to eat more nutritious whole foods rather then processed convenience food that will leave you feeling sluggish or bloated right after.
  • If you can't bring a meal or two with you, at least pack healthy snacks which will keep temptations down.
  • Avoid stress and last minute poor decisions about what to eat by having your meals with you or a few restaurants pre selected that you have already browsed the menu at.
  • If you have the option to cook while you're away, shop at a local market for fresh fruits, veggies and protein sources upon arrival. Always start the day with a nutritious breakfast.

Save time, energy and effort this weekend so you can spend more time enjoying yourself, the great outdoors and/or visiting the people you love by planning your meals a head of time and bringing them with you.